Opioid Use & Opioid Use Disorder e-Resource

AFPC has partnered with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE-ACFTS), with funding from Health Canada, to develop education guidelines, protocols, resources and other tools to help ensure that future nurses, pharmacists and social workers are prepared to enter the work force well-equipped to address issues related to opioid use and opioid use disorder. As part of this joint project on Opioids and Opioid Use Disorders, an extensive bilingual, online resource was developed. The goal of the project is to ensure that health care and social service providers enter the workforce well equipped with relevant, evidence-informed knowledge to address issues related to opioid use and opioid use disorder across the prevention, health promotion, harm reduction, treatment and recovery continuums at primary, secondary and tertiary care levels.

Bilingual Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder Education ResourceFor social work, pharmacy, and registered nursing programs. Available at: https://ououd.casn.ca/. See the YouTube video for more info.

The e-Resource is for faculty and students in entry level nursing, pharmacy and social work programs. It provides them with information, teaching and learning materials, and tools related to the education guidelines to provide greater and more in-depth content support to foster the integration of the interprofessional guidelines into the curricula of member schools. A secondary audience is practicing nurses, pharmacists and social workers. Social work, pharmacy and nursing faculty may opt to use these resources as part of a syllabus, as required reading or as a classroom activity. The modules are also designed for self-directed learning for faculty, students or other health professionals.

Waterloo University (School of Pharmacy and Center for Extended Learning) developed the content and designed the e-Resource, with extensive input from the Advisory Committee and key stakeholders. The uWaterloo leads were Dr. Feng Chang and Dr. Michael Beazely.

There are 8 modules in the e-Resource, with 65 topics about opioids. The modules are mapped to learning outcomes and indicators found in the Interprofessional Education Guidelines on Opioid Use and Opioid Use Disorder, making them ideal for faculty to review prior to curriculum or course development.There is also a Lived Experience section, a Protocol on Stigma, and an extensive list of additional resources, including substance use and COVID-19.

The 8 modules topics are: 

  • Module 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the clinical and recreational use of opioids in Canada, and the impact of their use on the health and wellbeing of people in Canada.
  • Module 2: Recognize the importance of a continuum of care and know the available resources for people using opioids and opioid use disorder.
  • Module 3: Demonstrate culturally safe/appropriate screening, assessment, intervention, structured follow-up, and support skills related to opioid use and opioid use disorder.
  • Module 4: Establish a mutually trusting and therapeutic relationship with persons using opioids or persons with opioid use disorder, and their support networks.
  • Module 5: Integrate trauma- and violence-informed practice and cultural safety principles in providing care or services to persons who use opioids or persons with opioid use disorder.
  • Module 6: Educate persons, families, support persons, communities, decision makers, Elders, other health care and social service professionals, and the public regarding opioid use and opioid use disorder.
  • Module 7: Explain pain and pain management, specific to opioid use and opioid use disorders.
  • Module 8: Integrate knowledge of harm reduction in providing care or services to persons using opioids and persons with opioid use disorder.
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