CanExEd Reports
CanExEd Priorities Foundational Information  Report
Priority 1:
National Approach to Learning Outcomes and Corresponding Assessments at Each Stage of Experiential Education
Priority 2:
Integration of the Full Spectrum of Preceptoring Models in Experiential Education
Priority 3, Part 1 of a 4-Part Series:
Best Practice in Preceptor Development to Establish/Augment Best Qualities/Abilities in Preceptors - Current State of Pharmacy Preceptor Development Programs Across Canada
Priority 3, Part 2 of a 4-Part Series:
Best Practice in Preceptor Development to Establish/Augment Best Qualities/Abilities in Preceptors - Evidence and Theory Influencing Design and Implementation of a National Preceptor Development Program
Priority 3, Part 3 of a 4-Part Series:
Best Practice in Preceptor Development to Establish/Augment Best Qualities/Abilities in Preceptors - Describing Approaches for Operationalisation of Best Practice (Evidence and Theory) for a Preceptor Development Program on a National Scale
Priority 4:
Description and Promotion of the Value Learners add to Host Organisations and their Mandate
Priority 5:
Optimisation of Preceptor Recruitment and Retention
Priority 6:
Characterisation of Exceptional Experiential Education Sites' Best Practices
Priority 7:
Promotion of Experiential Education to Stakeholders
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