Pharmacy Education 2015 Pharmacy Education Today and Tomorrow Pharmacy Education 2015 promises to be bigger and better than ever. We’ll bring an expanded global focus, as we partner with the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada. At the meeting, you’ll:
New This Year Tuesday General Session Speaker and Performance Stay Social at the Closing Reception New Faculty Mentoring Program 5K Pharmathon Awards Presentations During Tuesday's General Session Conference Highlights Jumpstart your learning at the 2015 Annual Meeting with three outstanding pre-sessions on Saturday, and conclude your meeting experience with a Global Workshop on Wednesday. At the Teachers Seminar, Beginning with the End in Mind: Developing the Self-Aware Pharmacist, 8:30 a.m.–3:15 p.m., a diverse interprofessional panel will provide attendees with insight regarding the value of self-awareness in the journey of student pharmacists through didactic, experiential and extra-curricular training to optimize the knowledge, skills and attitudes of graduates entering pharmacy practice. Attendees can earn up to 4.75 hours of continuing education units. At the new Joseph T. DiPiro Excellence in Publishing Workshop, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., authors will receive an overview of the essentials of publishing excellence when submitting their scholarly work to peer-reviewed publications. They’ll also have the opportunity to discuss their papers with the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education editorial team, who can provide insight into manuscripts in process. The interactive workshop, New Faculty Program: Basic Skills for Becoming Effective Reviewers, 1:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., is intended for faculty members who have limited experience in reviewing grants and manuscripts. Presenters from both the pharmacy publishing community and grant review panels will discuss the importance of participating in the review process, and provide tips for how to develop as a reviewer. At the one-day Global Workshop from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15, attendees will hear from international and domestic leaders in interprofessional and experiential education who have established global partnerships and who are making a difference in global public health. Additional highlights include:
For further details please check the AACP website.